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PHPMD (PHP Mess Detector)



  • バグの可能性
  • 準最適なコード
  • 複雑な式
  • 未使用パラメータ,メソッド,プロパティ

今日時点(2010/05/26)の最新版が,PHPMD 0.2.5 (2010/04/03 released) なので,早速このバージョンで試してみます。


  • PHP >= 5.2.3
  • PHP_Depend >= 0.9.11
[root@localhost ~]# pear channel-discover
[root@localhost ~]# pear install pdepend/PHP_Depend-beta


[root@localhost ~]# pear channel-discover
[root@localhost ~]# pear channel-discover
[root@localhost ~]# pear install --alldeps phpmd/PHP_PMD-alpha
[root@localhost ~]# phpmd
Mandatory arguments:
1) A php source code filename or directory
2) A report format
3) A ruleset filename or a comma-separated string of rulesetfilenames

Optional arguments that may be put after the mandatory arguments:
--minimumpriority: rule priority threshold; rules with lower priority than this will not be used
--reportfile: send report output to a file; default to STDOUT
--extensions: comma-separated string of valid source code filename extensions
--ignore: comma-separated string of patterns that are used to ignore directories


class Something
    private static $FOO = 2; // unused
    private $i = 5; // unused
    private $j = 6;
    public function addOne()
        return $this->j++;

    private function foo() {} // unused

    private function bar()
        $i = 5; // unused
        $j = 5;

        switch ($j) {
            case 0:
                if (1) {
                    // hoge
            case 1: /* hoge */ break;
            case 2: /* hoge */ break;
            case 3: /* hoge */ break;
            case 4: /* hoge */ break;
            case 5: /* hoge */ break;
            case 6: /* hoge */ break;
            case 7: /* hoge */ break;
            case 8: /* hoge */ break;
            case 9: /* hoge */ break;
            default: break;

    private function baz($hoge)
        // $hoge is not used

レポート:'text',ルールセット:'Code Size Rules' で実行

[user@localhost ~]$ phpmd test.php text codesize

test.php:14 The method bar() has a Cyclomatic Complexity of 12.

レポート:'text',ルールセット:'Naming Rules' で実行

[user@localhost ~]$ phpmd test.php text naming

test.php:5  Avoid variables with short names like $i
test.php:6  Avoid variables with short names like $j
test.php:16 Avoid variables with short names like $i
test.php:17 Avoid variables with short names like $j

レポート:'text',ルールセット:'Unused Code Rules' で実行

[user@localhost ~]$ phpmd test.php text unusedcode

test.php:4  Avoid unused private fields such as '$FOO'.
test.php:5  Avoid unused private fields such as '$i'.
test.php:12 Avoid unused private methods such as 'foo'.
test.php:14 Avoid unused private methods such as 'bar'.
test.php:16 Avoid unused local variables such as '$i'.
test.php:38 Avoid unused private methods such as 'baz'.
test.php:38 Avoid unused parameters such as '$hoge'.

レポート:'xml',ルールセット:'Unused Code Rules' で実行

[user@localhost ~]$ phpmd test.php xml unusedcode
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<pmd version="0.2.5" timestamp="2010-04-25T10:49:34+09:00">
  <file name="test.php">
    <violation beginline="4" endline="4" rule="UnusedPrivateField" ruleset="Unused Code Rules" externalInfoUrl="" priority="3">
      Avoid unused private fields such as '$FOO'.
    <violation beginline="5" endline="5" rule="UnusedPrivateField" ruleset="Unused Code Rules" externalInfoUrl="" priority="3">
      Avoid unused private fields such as '$i'.
    <violation beginline="12" endline="12" rule="UnusedPrivateMethod" ruleset="Unused Code Rules" package="+global" externalInfoUrl="" class="Something" method="foo" priority="3">
      Avoid unused private methods such as 'foo'.
    <violation beginline="14" endline="36" rule="UnusedPrivateMethod" ruleset="Unused Code Rules" package="+global" externalInfoUrl="" class="Something" method="bar" priority="3">
      Avoid unused private methods such as 'bar'.
    <violation beginline="16" endline="16" rule="UnusedLocalVariable" ruleset="Unused Code Rules" externalInfoUrl="" priority="3">
      Avoid unused local variables such as '$i'.
    <violation beginline="38" endline="41" rule="UnusedPrivateMethod" ruleset="Unused Code Rules" package="+global" externalInfoUrl="" class="Something" method="baz" priority="3">
      Avoid unused private methods such as 'baz'.
    <violation beginline="38" endline="38" rule="UnusedFormalParameter" ruleset="Unused Code Rules" externalInfoUrl="" priority="3">
      Avoid unused parameters such as '$hoge'.


ルールセットの種類およびチェック詳細は, を参照してみてください。